
Рехабилитация и ортопедичен Китай 2024

Rehacare & Orthopedic Китай
From June 21, 2024 until June 23, 2024
Гуанджоу - Poly World Trade Center, Гуангдонг, Китай
+ 86-20- 66224913; + 86 20 66318831
(Моля, проверете отново датите и местоположението на официалния сайт по-долу, преди да посетите.)

R&OC комисия

The exhibition was founded in 2010 by the China International Economic and Technological Exchange Center, directly under the Ministry of Commerce of China, and the Guangdong Provincial Assistive Devices Resource Center for People with Disability. It is organized by Guangzhou Jia Mei Jinye Exhibition Co. LTD. and takes place in the beautiful flower town of Guangzhou each spring. This event features an exhibition of rehabilitation products, as well as nearly 100 forums and competitions. All activities take place at the same location and at the same date. Since 2013, the exhibition has successfully been held, integrating rehabilitation resources from "cross-sectoral, transnational, and interdisciplinary". The exhibition is currently one of the biggest international rehabilitation events.The organizing committee will, by retaining its traditional advantages and leveraging years of experience in cross-border integration and the accumulation of large resources of rehabilitation buyers, expand the market for both exhibitors and visitors. New additions include: Fitness Equipment Sectors, Physical Testing Equipment Sectors, Rescue Equipment Sectors, and Products Tailored to the Seniors Sector.

Poly World Trade Center в Гуанджоу (Poly World Trade Center).

Rehacare & Orthopedic China, Гуанджоу ще се проведе между 21 и 23 юни 2024 г. Световният търговски център Poly ще бъде домакин на изложението.

Близо десет хиляди души присъстваха на тридневното събитие от местни и чуждестранни региони, за да извършват покупки на място. Около 300 купувачи от чужбина дойдоха на изложението, представляващи 22 различни страни и региони.

Посещения: 22587

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Карта на мястото и хотели наоколо

Гуанджоу - Poly World Trade Center, Гуангдонг, Китай Гуанджоу - Poly World Trade Center, Гуангдонг, Китай


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