Изложба за индустриализация на строителството в делтата на река Яндзъ

Изложба за индустриализация на строителството в делтата на река Яндзъ

From June 03, 2024 until June 05, 2024

В Шанхай - Национален конгресен и изложбен център, Шанхай, Китай

Публикувано от Canton Fair Net



Предпочитаната бизнес платформа на делтата на река Яндзъ, фокусирана върху координирано развитие и зелено и нисковъглеродно строителство.

The yice Yangtze River Delta Construction Industrialization Exhibition, which is part of a high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta Construction Industry, focuses its efforts on creating high-quality projects and the use of BIM, digital technology, new industrialization in construction, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent construction and low-carbon material. By releasing and promoting new policies, projects and results all year long, it aims at improving the quality, efficiency and quality of construction. The yice Yangtze River Delta Construction Industrialization Exhibition is a preferred business platform to transform and upgrade the construction industry, and enhance the core competitiveness for enterprises.