Международно изложение за лични грижи

Международно изложение за лични грижи

From March 04, 2025 until March 06, 2025

В Гуанджоу - Международен конгресен и изложбен център Nanfung, Гуангдонг, Китай

Публикувано от Canton Fair Net


Категории: Модна индустрия

Tags: Кърмене

Посещения: 3573

PCE Personal Care Expo

Shanghai International Personal Care Expo is China's platform for global trade in the personal care industry. This event is held in Shanghai and Guangzhou, two of China's wealthiest international trade metropolises. PCE is an innovative event that provides a platform for the global personal care, toiletries, cosmetics and home care industries to engage in industry exchanges, trade matching and new product launches.